Vollständig autonome mobile Roboter
Mobile Roboter von OMRON sind autonome mobile Roboter (AMR), die die Produktivität in Fertigungs- und Logistikprozessen drastisch steigern. Unsere mobilen Roboter erhöhen den Durchsatz, vermeiden Fehler, verbessern die Materialrückverfolgbarkeit und sorgen dafür, dass Mitarbeiter sich auf Aufgaben konzentrieren können, die komplexe menschliche Fähigkeiten erfordern. Im Gegensatz zu herkömmlichen fahrerlosen Transportsystemen orientieren sich unsere mobilen Roboter an den räumlichen Gegebenheiten der Anlage und erfordern keine kostspieligen Umbauten.
Omron mobile robots
Omron's Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMRs): no facility modifications, no laser beacons, no floor magnets, no tapes and setup the robot within an hour.Selbstnavigierender autonomer mobiler Roboter (AMR)
LD-series Mobile Robot Datenblatt
Einfache Installation
1Einfache Entscheidungen und geringere KostenOMRON bietet ein Abonnementmodell, das niedrigere Einstiegskosten und kontinuierliche Upgrades und Verbesserungen bei der Bedienung von Funktionen bieten. Der Kunde kann Entscheidungen leichter treffen.
2Apps und Schaustücke auswählenOMRON hat mehrere Erfolgsfälle mit Schaustücken; der Vertrieb von OMRON kann Kunden bei der Wahl der besten Lösungen beraten.
3Zuordnung und ZielvereinbarungNach einem kurzen Rundgang durch Ihre Anlage erstellt der Roboter eine individuelle Karte des Grundrisses und legt Ziele für Abholungen und Rückgaben fest.
4Einfach zu bedienenDank der einfachen Bedienung per Tablet und der einfachen Integration zwischen dem OMRON-Flottenmanager und MES und WMS können Sie Ihre Roboter sofort in Betrieb nehmen.
1Weicht ortsfesten und beweglichen Hindernissen aus
2Zusätzliche Not-Halte können problemlos hinzugefügt werden
3Entspricht den Sicherheitsnormen ISO EN1525, JIS D6802 und ANSI B56.5
AMR-Technologie und -Software
Die autonomen mobilen Roboter (Autonomous Mobile Robots, AMRs) von OMRON sind mit einer eigens für sie entwickelten Technologie ausgestattet, der AMR-Technologie für Navigation und Ausrichtung. Mithilfe dieser Technologie können sich die AMRs innerhalb ihres zugewiesenen Arbeitsbereichs selbst in komplexen Umgebungen sicher und effizient bewegen. Für den Betrieb der AMRs kommt zudem Software zum Einsatz, damit sie einfach verwendet und programmiert werden können.
- Die spezielle AMR-Technologie der AMRs von OMRON beinhaltet eine Vielzahl an Sensoren, z. B. Laserscanner. Diese ermöglichen es den Robotern, ihre Umgebung detailgetreu zu kartografieren und sich sicher zu bewegen.
- Die für den Betrieb der AMRs von OMRON genutzte Software ist benutzerfreundlich und intuitiv. So können die Roboter einfach für bestimmte Aufgaben programmiert werden.
Robuste Navigation
Omron's LD mobile robots automate material transport and increase efficiency - full version
Handling high-mix and low volume production, whilst compensating labour shortage are challenges for Omron manufacturing in Japan. See how LD mobile robots are used to automate material transport and increase efficiency, to accelerate human-machine collaboration.
Mobile robots smarten up Toyota’s new parts centre
Plattformen LD-60, LD-90 und LD-90x
Unsere mobile OEM-Plattform steht Entwicklern und Maschinenbauern für kundenspezifische Anwendungen und Aufbau-Lösungen zur Verfügung. Sie umfasst unsere proprietäre Selbstnavigationssoftware, die sich ideal für den Einsatz in Bereichen mit viel Verkehr, engen Gängen und speziellen Anwendungen eignet, bei denen ein kompaktes autonom fahrendes Fahrzeug von Vorteil ist. Unsere OEM-Partner sind Entwickler von anwendungsspezifischen Aufbauten und vertrauen dabei auf unser zuverlässiges Antriebssystem, eine Bordstromversorgung, ein ausgereiftes Ladekonzept sowie Ein- und Ausgänge für die Integration ihrer Aufbauten in die mobile Plattform.
Die OEM-Mobilplattform von OMRON ist in drei Konfigurationen erhältlich, die alle eine Laufzeit von bis zu 19 Stunden pro Tag aufweisen:
- LD60 mit einer Transportkapazität von bis zu 60 kg (max. Geschwindigkeit 1,8 m/s)
- LD90 mit einer Transportkapazität von bis zu 90 kg (max. Geschwindigkeit 1,35 m/s)
- LD-90x: In einer Cart Transporter-Konfiguration erhöht sich die maximale Nutzlast auf bis zu 170 kg (max. Geschwindigkeit 0,9 m/s)
Plattform LD-250
- LD-250 mit einer Transportkapazität von bis zu 250 kg (max. Geschwindigkeit 1,2 m/s)
LD-250 Prospekt
ESD-Plattformen LD-60/90/90x/250
Die ESD-Roboter wurden für komplexe Produktionsumgebungen entwickelt und ermöglichen eine Erweiterung Ihrer automatisierten Anwendungen für die Materialabfertigung sowie gleichzeitigen Schutz. Sie wurden für den Schutz Ihrer ESDS-Produkte (Electrostatic Discharge Sensitive) konzipiert.
Die ESD-Verkleidungen bilden einen Schutzschild um den Roboter, der nicht nur Ihre Investitionen schützt, sondern auch statische Energie sicher an den Boden ableitet. Mit den mobilen ESD-Robotern der LD-Serie bieten wir eine sichere Lösung für den Umgang mit statisch empfindlichen Bauteilen.
- Gemeinsamer Schutz für Ihre ESDS-Produkte (Electrostatic Discharge Sensitive) und der LD-Serie.
- Entspricht IEC 61340-5-1 als statisch kontrollierte Oberflächen mit RG < 1 x 10^9.
- Schutz bei Feldstärken über ca. 40 kV/cm Luft.
- Die Verkleidungen sind für Unempfindlichkeit gegenüber elektrostatischen Entladungen konzipiert.
LD-250 ESD Prospekt
Spezifikationen & Bestellinfo
Produkt | Mobile robot type | Maximum load | Maximum speed | Kit type | ESD protection | Battery included | Beschreibung | |
OEM robot | 60 kg | 1.8 m/s | Mobile robot | No | No | Mobile Robot, LD-60, without Battery |
OEM robot | 60 kg | 1.8 m/s | Mobile robot + docking kit | No | No | Mobile Robot Docking Station Kit, LD-60, Charger, without Battery |
OEM robot | 60 kg | 1.8 m/s | Mobile robot + starter kit | No | No | Mobile Robot Starter Kit, LD-60, with Charger, without Battery, Joystick, Top Plate |
OEM robot | 60 kg | 1.8 m/s | Mobile robot | Yes | No | Mobile Robot, LD-60, ESD, without Battery |
OEM robot | 60 kg | 1.8 m/s | Mobile robot + docking kit | Yes | No | Mobile Robot Docking Station Kit, LD-60, ESD, Charger, without Battery |
OEM robot | 60 kg | 1.8 m/s | Mobile robot + starter kit | Yes | No | Mobile Robot Starter Kit, LD-60, ESD, without Battery, with Charger, Joystick, Top Plate |
OEM robot | 90 kg | 1.35 m/s | Mobile robot | No | No | Mobile Robot, LD-90, without Battery |
OEM robot | 90 kg | 1.35 m/s | Mobile robot + docking kit | No | No | Mobile Robot Docking Station Kit, LD-90, Charger, without Battery |
OEM robot | 90 kg | 1.35 m/s | Mobile robot + starter kit | No | No | Mobile Robot Starter Kit, LD-90, with Charger, without Battery, Joystick, Top Plate |
OEM robot | 90 kg | 1.35 m/s | Mobile robot | Yes | No | Mobile Robot, LD-90, ESD, without Battery |
OEM robot | 90 kg | 1.35 m/s | Mobile robot + docking kit | Yes | No | Mobile Robot Docking Station Kit, LD-90, ESD, Charger, without Battery |
OEM robot | 90 kg | 1.35 m/s | Mobile robot + starter kit | Yes | No | Mobile Robot Starter Kit, LD-90, ESD, without Battery, with Charger, Joystick, Top Plate |
OEM robot | 90 kg | 0.9 m/s | Mobile robot | No | No | Mobile Robot, LD-90x, without Battery |
OEM robot | 90 kg | 0.9 m/s | Mobile robot + docking kit | No | No | Mobile Robot Docking Station Kit, LD-90x, Charger, without Battery |
OEM robot | 90 kg | 0.9 m/s | Mobile robot + starter kit | No | No | Mobile Robot Starter Kit, LD-90x, with Charger, without Battery, Joystick, Top Plate |
OEM robot | 90 kg | 0.9 m/s | Mobile robot | Yes | No | Mobile Robot, LD-90x, ESD, without Battery |
OEM robot | 90 kg | 0.9 m/s | Mobile robot + docking kit | Yes | No | Mobile Robot Docking Station Kit, LD-90x, ESD, Charger, without Battery |
OEM robot | 90 kg | 0.9 m/s | Mobile robot + starter kit | Yes | No | Mobile Robot Starter Kit, LD-90x, ESD,without Battery, with Charger, Joystick, Top Plate |
OEM robot | 250 kg | 1.2 m/s | Mobile robot | No | No | Mobile Robot, LD-250, without Battery |
OEM robot | 250 kg | 1.2 m/s | Mobile robot + docking kit | No | No | Mobile Robot Docking Station Kit, LD-250, with Charger, without Battery |
OEM robot | 250 kg | 1.2 m/s | Mobile robot + starter kit | No | No | Mobile Robot Starter Kit, LD-250, with Charger, Joystick, Top Plate, without Battery |
OEM robot | 250 kg | 1.2 m/s | Mobile robot | Yes | No | Mobile Robot, LD-250, ESD, without Battery |
OEM robot | 250 kg | 1.2 m/s | Mobile robot + docking kit | Yes | No | Mobile Robot Docking Station Kit, LD-250, ESD, with Charger, without Battery |
OEM robot | 250 kg | 1.2 m/s | Mobile robot + starter kit | Yes | No | Mobile Robot Starter Kit, LD-250, ESD, with Charger, Joystick, Top Plate, without Battery |
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LCP AMR-Aufbaumodul für OMRON LD-250
LCP AMR-Aufbaumodul für OMRON LD-60/90
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Anwendungen und wichtige Branchen
Intralogistics process and related challenges
OMRON solution for the complete intralogistics process The complete intralogistics process in a factory is divided into four different groups because the challenges are different, but also the solutions: Lineside Replenishment; Work in progress; Finished goods and Warehouse. Read more on:
OMRON-Lösung für den gesamten intralogistischen Prozess
Mobile robots streamline internal logistics at HIPRA
Autonomous mobile robots increase the flexibility, efficiency, and productivity of material transport. HIPRA, a pioneering biotechnological company in the pharmaceutical industry, has transformed its internal logistics processes by installing a fleet of mobile robots supplied by OMRON. Read more:
Mobile robots streamline internal logistics at HIPRA
Autonomous mobile robots increase the flexibility, efficiency, and productivity of material transport. HIPRA, a pioneering biotechnological company in the pharmaceutical industry, has transformed its internal logistics processes by installing a fleet of mobile robots supplied by OMRON. Read more:-
Operators and robots work in harmony: Grupo Antolin automates handling of car interior components
Major trends in the automotive industry – including an increasing emphasis on issues such as electrification, digitalization, and sustainability – are also driving changes in vehicle interiors. One of the largest international players in this sector is Grupo Antolin. As a key player at global automotive supply chain and high value manufacturing leader, the strategy of the company, Adv. Manufacturing 4.0, looks into integration of digital technology in the operations. One of the focus areas is the reduction and optimization of movements in internal logistic. Introducing autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) and collaborative robots (cobots), manufactured and supplied by OMRON, helps achieve a modernized and more sustainable factory where people and machines are working in harmony. For more information, visit:
Operators and robots work in harmony: Grupo Antolin automates handling of car interior components
Major trends in the automotive industry – including an increasing emphasis on issues such as electrification, digitalization, and sustainability – are also driving changes in vehicle interiors. One of the largest international players in this sector is Grupo Antolin. As a key player at global automotive supply chain and high value manufacturing leader, the strategy of the company, Adv. Manufacturing 4.0, looks into integration of digital technology in the operations. One of the focus areas is the reduction and optimization of movements in internal logistic. Introducing autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) and collaborative robots (cobots), manufactured and supplied by OMRON, helps achieve a modernized and more sustainable factory where people and machines are working in harmony. For more information, visit:-
Mobile order preparation and operator support solution from Savoye with OMRON mobile robots
The Mobile Robot solution from Savoye is a flexible and economical alternative to manual processes. Mobile robots move autonomously, carrying packages and items to the various areas of the warehouse, allowing operators to be freed from: - Routes between launching area, picking areas and packaging areas - Fatigue generated by cart handling activities The operators remain in their picking area, thus devoting their time to value-added operations. The Savoye Mobile Robot solution can be used in stand-alone mode, independently interfaced with Savoye WMS and WCS software, or in addition to an automated system. There are many use cases, all relying on the same IT architecture: - Multi-package preparation (pick & pack), - Item picking before splitting (pick-then-pack) - Replenishment of retail picking locations For more information, please visit:
Mobile order preparation and operator support solution from Savoye with OMRON mobile robots
The Mobile Robot solution from Savoye is a flexible and economical alternative to manual processes. Mobile robots move autonomously, carrying packages and items to the various areas of the warehouse, allowing operators to be freed from: - Routes between launching area, picking areas and packaging areas - Fatigue generated by cart handling activities The operators remain in their picking area, thus devoting their time to value-added operations. The Savoye Mobile Robot solution can be used in stand-alone mode, independently interfaced with Savoye WMS and WCS software, or in addition to an automated system. There are many use cases, all relying on the same IT architecture: - Multi-package preparation (pick & pack), - Item picking before splitting (pick-then-pack) - Replenishment of retail picking locations For more information, please visit:-
Material handling solutions with autonomous mobile robots
LCS has implemented applications with OMRON autonomous mobile robots in various markets and industries that require efficient, flexible and automated logistics. LCS Group has been operating on the Italian and European markets since 1989 as a System Integrator, offering complete, integrated and cutting-edge hardware and software solutions for internal logistics, airports and industrial automation. Music in this video Inspirational Corporate Ambient Artist: Aleksandr Shamaluev Album: Corporate Music Licensed to YouTube by HAAWK for a 3rd Party (on behalf of AShamaluevMusic); HAAWK Publishing, BMI - Broadcast Music Inc., and 3 music rights societies
Material handling solutions with autonomous mobile robots
LCS has implemented applications with OMRON autonomous mobile robots in various markets and industries that require efficient, flexible and automated logistics. LCS Group has been operating on the Italian and European markets since 1989 as a System Integrator, offering complete, integrated and cutting-edge hardware and software solutions for internal logistics, airports and industrial automation. Music in this video Inspirational Corporate Ambient Artist: Aleksandr Shamaluev Album: Corporate Music Licensed to YouTube by HAAWK for a 3rd Party (on behalf of AShamaluevMusic); HAAWK Publishing, BMI - Broadcast Music Inc., and 3 music rights societiesVideos
Mobile Manipulator combines a cobot arm with an autonomous mobile robot for flexible production
OMRON's autonomous mobile manipulator solution supports flexible manufacturing and improves efficiency by integrating a self-navigating LD mobile robot with OMRON's collaborative robot arm. What will you use it for?
Mobile Manipulator combines a cobot arm with an autonomous mobile robot for flexible production
OMRON's autonomous mobile manipulator solution supports flexible manufacturing and improves efficiency by integrating a self-navigating LD mobile robot with OMRON's collaborative robot arm. What will you use it for?-
OMRON FLOW Core 3.0 MobilePlanner
Our MobilePlanner allows you to easily and effectively utilize fleets of heterogeneous robot types alongside one another to optimize their automation solution. MobilePlanner expands our Fleet Management ecosystem as the best in the industry. #omronindustrialautomation #mobilerobots
OMRON FLOW Core 3.0 MobilePlanner
Our MobilePlanner allows you to easily and effectively utilize fleets of heterogeneous robot types alongside one another to optimize their automation solution. MobilePlanner expands our Fleet Management ecosystem as the best in the industry. #omronindustrialautomation #mobilerobots-
OMRON FLOW Core 3.0 Selectable Autonomy
Enables users to tailor traffic flow with powerful path modes, ranging from autonomous guided vehicle (AGV)—but without the costly infrastructure—to limited detour windows, to the pure flexibility of a traditional AMR. #omronindustrialautomation #mobilerobots
OMRON FLOW Core 3.0 Selectable Autonomy
Enables users to tailor traffic flow with powerful path modes, ranging from autonomous guided vehicle (AGV)—but without the costly infrastructure—to limited detour windows, to the pure flexibility of a traditional AMR. #omronindustrialautomation #mobilerobots-
Omron Mobile Planner Tablet Edition - Intro
Introduction of the Omron Mobile Planner - an easy to use, portable, monitoring and control user interface tool for LD Mobile Robots.
Omron Mobile Planner Tablet Edition - Intro
Introduction of the Omron Mobile Planner - an easy to use, portable, monitoring and control user interface tool for LD Mobile Robots.Downloads
Ihre mobile Robotersoftware aktivieren
Flottensimulator: Optimieren Sie Ihre Flotte schon vor der Inbetriebnahme
Der Flottensimulator von OMRON bietet den branchenweit ersten Simulator für mobile Roboter in Werks- und Fertigungsanwendungen.
Mobile Manipulatorlösungen von Omron
Die einzigartige Konzeptlösung aus Cobot und mobilem Roboter-Hybrid von OMRON
Der Flottensimulator von OMRON bietet den branchenweit ersten mobilen Robotersimulator für Werks- und Fertigungsanwendungen.
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