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Zustimm-Griffschalter mit deutlicher Haptik für drei leicht erkennbare Positionen

Zusätzlich zu den Standardmodellen umfasst die Produktpalette auch Modelle mit einem Not-Aus-Schalter und Modelle mit einem vorübergehenden Betriebsschalter.

  • Ein optionaler Haltewinkel (separat erhältlich) bietet eine vielseitige Methode zur Auswahl des Betriebs. 
  • Ausgestattet mit Kabeleinführung
  • Erhöhte Bedienempfindlichkeit – Mit dem Original-Doppelschaltermechanismus kann der Bediener die Aktivierungsstellung genau bestätigen.
  • Sicherheitsschaltungen sind einfach zu konfigurieren – Sicherheitsschaltungen können einfach konfiguriert werden, indem A4EG mit dem G9SX-GS-Sicherheits-Umschaltmodul kombiniert wird.

Spezifikationen & Bestellinfo

Ordering information

Enabling grip switches

Contact form

Order code

Enabling switch

Monitor switch

Pushbutton switch

Two contacts

1NC (grip output)



Two contacts


Emergency stop switch (2NC)


Two contacts


Momentary operation switch (2NO)


Safety guard switching units

Safety outputs

1. P channel MOS FET transistor output

Auxiliary outputs

2. PNP transistor output

Logical AND
connection input

Logical AND connection output

Max. OFF
delay time

3. The OFF-delay time can be set in 16 steps as follows:
T15: 0, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 10 or 15 s


Terminal block type

Order code



4. The OFF-delayed output becomes an instantaneous output by setting the OFF-delay time to 0 s.

2 (Semi-

2 (Semi-

6 (Semi-conductors)



15 s

24 VDC

Screw terminals


Spring-cage terminals



Ratings of guard switching unit

Power input




Rated supply voltage

24 VDC




Safety input

Operating voltage: 20.4 VDC to 26.4 VDC, internal impedance: approx. 2.8 kΩ

Feedback/reset input

Mode selector input




Instantaneous safety output
OFF-delayed safety output

P channel MOS FET transistor output

Load current: 0.8 A DC max.

Auxiliary output

PNP transistor output

Load current: 100 mA max.

External indicator outputs

P channel MOS FET transistor outputs

Connectable indicators

  • Incandescent lamp: 24 VDC, 3 W to 7 W
  • LED lamp: 10 to 300 mA DC

Application example

Automatic switching mode

Worker is loading and unloading the machine manually. When loading is finished, robot cycle is started manually by the worker. When robots return to their home position, loading cycle is selected automatically.

Loading condition: Safety sensor B is not active, safety sensor A is active because the robots are not allowed to move to the loading area while the worker loads the machine. So the worker is safe because safety sensor A is active.

Robot work condition: Safety sensor B is active, safety sensor A is not active because the worker is not allowed to move to the loading area when the robots work. So the worker is safe because safety sensor B stops the machine if he moves to the loading area.

Manual switching mode

Worker has to do maintenance in this machine. While maintenance, it is necessary to move the machine in a limited way. The worker has to select automatic mode or manual mode manually by using the mode selector switch.

Operation steps:

1) Select maintenance mode by using the mode selector

2) Open the door to do the maintenance while the machine still is able to operate in a limited way (monitoring of limited movement by using the safety limit switch).

3) Close the cover after finishing maintenance

4) Select automatic mode by using the mode selector

E-Stop conditions:

a) open the door while not in maintenance mode

b) the machine actuates the limit switch (breaks the limit).

c) the Enabling grip switch A4EG is actuated to stop the machine in emergency condition.


1. P channel MOS FET transistor output

2. PNP transistor output

3. The OFF-delay time can be set in 16 steps as follows:
T15: 0, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 10 or 15 s

4. The OFF-delayed output becomes an instantaneous output by setting the OFF-delay time to 0 s.

1. P channel MOS FET transistor output

2. PNP transistor output

3. The OFF-delay time can be set in 16 steps as follows:
T15: 0, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 10 or 15 s

4. The OFF-delayed output becomes an instantaneous output by setting the OFF-delay time to 0 s.

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+49 (0)21 73 - 68 00 0
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