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Brand Protection
Lebensmittel und Getränke

How to secure FMCG supply chains with traceability?

Veröffentlicht am 2. Oktober 2019 in Brand Protection

The traceability of food and drink products throughout the production and distribution process can be a complex issue. For example, alcoholic drink producers need systems that enable them to comply with local regulations regarding food traceability, as well as tax legislation.

The need for precise traceability

In Russia, vodka producers have to comply with a recent government directive on serialization (no. 2592). This mandates that manufacturers of alcoholic drinks must label each unit produced with a serialized tracking label. During production, the data must be registered at different packaging stages. The registered data is then fed into a government database.
The tracking labels that are used have a PDF417 barcode that contains the data needed to track the product from the point of manufacture to the point of sale. This is achieved through EGAIS, Russia’s electronic tracking and monitoring system for alcoholic drink products. EGAIS is used to detect the illegal production and import of counterfeit products and also ensures that the correct taxes and duties are paid on each bottle sold.
Pre-printed serialization labels can be applied to the bottles at the bottle labeling station, where the PDF417 code is read for the first time before being applied to the bottle. Once applied, the bottle can be traced throughout the packaging process.

Our solution with direct database connectivity

Together with our integrator, we have designed a system to ensure traceability in a fast-moving bottling line. This includes multiple MicroHAWK ID-40 readers. The ID-40 is the smallest IP65/67 rated true industrial Ethernet barcode reader. It provides best-in-class decoding for 1D/2D or DPM codes and has a rugged, ultra-compact case. It’s very easy to install and to use. Our FH camera system is ideal if there is a need to read additional the labels for example on the bottle caps.
An Omron NX controller can handle the communication with all readers and uses its internal SQL client to register the results in the SQL database. The NX controller has an important advantage, as it can communicate directly with SQL databases, using built-in functions blocks that provide SQL requests. Omron IPCs are used to visualise the results at each station in the factory.
Read more about our quality control and inspection solutions here.

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  • Nico Hooiveld

    EMEA Market Manager at Omron Industrial Automation Europe