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Es liegen zur Zeit technische Probleme vor. Ihre Übertragung war nicht erfolgreich. Entschuldigen Sie dies bitte und versuchen es später noch einmal. Details


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Es liegen zur Zeit technische Probleme vor. Ihre Übertragung war nicht erfolgreich. Entschuldigen Sie dies bitte und versuchen es später noch einmal. Details


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Educate future generations of Automators in Safety skills

Verfügbare Plätze 1000

Practical tips and tricks for implementing the Safety circuits properly

Interested in upgrading your skills on Safe Automation?

Join our livestream session in which our OMRON Safety Automation expert provides you with practical input and guidance to implement safety in Automation. In this online session you will learn how to overcome the most common topics faced when implementing safety in your projects. This free webinar on Industrial Safety Automation is specially designed for students and professors from technical colleges and polytechnic universities across Europe.

The following topics are included:

  • Implementing the adequate Safety circuits for your projects;
  • What are the procedures for implementing CE marking in your machinery.

The live presentation will be performed in English. However, we will have European expert representatives present in the live chat. They can answer all your sensor questions in your local language.

Registration info

Please register for the webinar 'Educate future generations of Automators in Safety skills' on Apr 28, 2021 at 10:00 AM by filling in the form on the right.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about how to join the webinar.